Monday, March 23, 2009

BCS EDUCATION Incorporated in 2005, has strong Belief that, Education is all About being Excited about something. Seeing passion and Enthusiasm helps push an Educational Message.
For many years, we have been at the forefront of various pioneering initiatives in the education space.Our mission is to reach to Every Student through our products, services and solutions.

Our Mission
To apply innovative solutions to solve critical problems relating to "Quality of Education" and "Access to Education" for all.Our visionary Leaders are Defining the Future of Learning Technology. Our Experienced Leadership Team Consists of Enthusiastic Professionals with an MNC Background. They are Alumni of some of the leading educational and Management Institutions of the world, Including the Indian Institute of Science (IISC), Indian Institute of Management (IIM), University of Maryland (USA).Each of our leaders brings over a Decade’s experience in working at the Grassroots level with Educators and students. Our Excellent infrastructure and processes coupled with our sincerity and passion is what makes us confident of Achieving our Goals and making our vision a Reality.

Our Team:
BCS EDUCATION consists of over 15 professionals. Our commitment and sincerity in defining what learning can be, is what sets us apart. Most of us have a Background in Excellent education, With a deep commitment to learn and Teach, To help the Students to improve the education scenario by using our Technique of Teaching.

Class Room Program:

  • A maximum of Five Students taken per Batch so that individual attention can be given to them.
  • Teachers uses power point presentation for illustration when required.
  • Competitive environment created in the class room.
  • Individual Mock test conducted before exams.
  • Individual Strength, Weakness and Progress analysis and Report for further Action Plan by BCS is sent every month to the parents.
  • Focus on Concepts.
  • Rather than only Teaching, we believe in creating Interest in the subject.

From our class Room Program we develop human beings who are Open-Minded, Critical Thinkers, Disciplined yet energetic in thought and action. This is visible in both our Learners and the facilitators. We nurture their Talent for Competitive Environments, so that they will be successful in Life.

Home Tuition:
  • We believe in Quality Education which can be imparted One to One.
  • Exclusive study material with smart way of understanding concepts.
  • Tutors have a background in Excellent education, with a deep commitment to Learn and Teach.
  • Tutors provide presentation for topics that needs visualisation.
  • One Week free demonstration classes Provided.

In the Indian context we believe all our practices lead to ‘SA VIDHYA YA VIMUKTHAYE’ meaning ‘Education is that which Liberates’.The vision of Home Tuition is to Nurture the Inherent potential and Talent of each child and create lifelong learners who will be the leaders of tomorrow. Our Aspiration is to create global citizens who are innovative and have a strong sense of values.At BCS Education one student is being looked up by Five professionals. One who teaches him and other four who create curriculum for that particular student. So we Believe in the Best and do the Best.

Workshop@ BCS :

  • Free transport (Pick UP and Drop)
  • Lunch
  • Personalized study material (Topics based on student’s need)
  • 20 model question paper on spot solution by student.(10 paper for practice with Detailed Solution)
  • Individual Attention to each student
  • Analysis and performance report
  • 7 hour of workshop classes.
  • Interactive session
  • Explicitly Exam oriented sessions
  • Model paper and study material sample

With Warm Regards:
BCS Education TEAM.

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